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Banks Power Ram-Air Intake System

TJ 4.0L

Write a Review | 1 Q&As Part # 41816
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Features & Product Details

The Banks Ram-Air Intake System has been designed to replace the factory restrictive intake system has been designed to replace the factory restrictive intake system. This Ram-Air Intake System allows the engine to breathe much better which will improve throttle response, and increase both horsepower and torque numbers. This is achieved through the design which allows twice the amount of air to enter the design the Banks box which eliminates the factory 90-degree air bank that creates turbulence. The tube included in the Banks Ram-Air System is smooth and the filter traps the smallest of microns to inhale the cleanest air.

So why a cold air intake? This is a great cost-effective option for those of you who don't want to resort to heavy labor intensive repairs for other modifications. Cold air intake systems provide your vehicle with that extra push for those that have larger wheels and tires or have other heavy equipment that can weigh performance down. 

Included is everything ready for installation which includes couplers, worm clamps, filter, filter tube, and filter cover. 


Brand: Banks Power
Mfgr. Warranty: 5 Year Limited
Condition: New Product
Return Policy:
Not Specified


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  • Q:  Banks Power Ram-Air Intake System  vmlionhart4 years ago

    Does this item fit 4.7 H.O.? Is it legal in California? Is it a dry filter, or does it have to be oiled.
  • 0 of 0 people found the following answer helpful

    A:  This is for the 97-06 Wrangler TJ with the 4.0L engine.

    Northridge Kaleb @ Northridge4x4 4 years ago  
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