
LOD Destroyer Front Bumper Skid Plate Black Powder Coated



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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Not a straightforward install 4 years ago
4out of 5stars
The two rear bolts that secure the skid plate to the frame were not ideal when I tried to install on a 2018 JKU. First off, the bolt holes in the skid plate line up to the frame where there is a vertical post. This post blocks off any access above the frame to hold the nut for mounting the bolt and skid. Second, even with no post, on passenger side, the bolt hole in the skid lines up with a larger square cut out in the frame, so there is no real way to put a nut here (no mounting surface). Third, there is approximately 3/4in gap between the skid and the frame for the rear section which is to be bolted to the frame. If you use the bolts to secure the skid to the frame, you are essentially just squeezing/flexing the skid until there is some amount of tension to hang the rear of the skid plate (could rattle). My solution to this was to drill new holes in the skid plate for the rear mounting bolts further inward to line up with existing (drainage?) holes in the frame. These existing holes in the frame allowed just enough clearance for a tool to hold the nut in place to run the bolt up. I also made two 3/4in spacers out of steel bar (drilled center for bolt, painted steel) so that the rear mounting bolts could actually be tightened against a hard surface and not just squeezing the rear of the skid into a gapped space on the frame. Other than that, the skid plate seems well cut, welded, and finished (powder coat). Just was not a straightforward bolt on in my experience.
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Same issues as other review 4 years ago
3out of 5stars
I had the same EXACT issues with it that the other review had. I solved them with 1.5 hours of drilling new holes that actually lined up, and found thick washers to fill the gap between the skid plate and frame. Looks like it will hold up to a bit of abuse. Well priced. Slow drop-ship times. Pray they have it in stock!
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